Organize your photo collection with timeline view.Automatically upload photos & videos from your phone to yourhome computer.(Plex Pass) Wirelessly sync music to your phone for offlineplayback.(Plex Pass) Show lyrics for recognized music.(Plex Pass) Create automatic mixes with Plex Mix and moodmix.Easily share your music collection with friends and family – orlet it stay private.Automatically organize your music collection with album artworkand metadata.Play almost any kind of music file, including MP3, M4A, FLAC,ALAC, and more.(Plex Pass) Wirelessly sync videos to your phone for offlineplayback.

(Plex Pass) Set parental controls to tailor your family’sexperience.(Plex Pass) See movie trailers and extras for yourcollection.(Plex Pass) Watch live TV on your Android TV (requires tunerdevice).(Plex Pass) Record TV and watch on your mobile devices (requirestuner device).

Plex can play almost any kind of video file from yourphone or an SD card. Plex is the ultimate player for videos, music,and photos.